Oriol Trujillo
Oriol Trujillo
Can anyone share their run & training times given their hardware specs & files sizes? I would appreciate it a lot.
- Plot Perimeter's regularized density - Print Perimeter's regularized density -
[Null Object.pdf](https://github.com/FerrerFerreAlex/FEM-MAT-OO/files/2804872/Null.Object.pdf)
[ Observer.pdf](https://github.com/SwanLab/Swan/files/3493578/Design.patterns.-.Observer.pdf)
[Design patterns - State.pdf](https://github.com/SwanLab/Swan/files/3579350/Design.patterns.-.State.pdf)
[Design patterns - Private Data Class.pdf](https://github.com/SwanLab/Swan/files/3580751/Design.patterns.-.Private.Data.Class.pdf)
Hello, You are right. At the moment the documentation available is incomplete, we will notify you in the following weeks once we update the information and license. In short, SwanLab...
Alright! I'll do it