Denis Trunin

Results 10 comments of Denis Trunin

Thanks for the reporting. After update you need to run "InstallToVS.exe" again. If you run this and it didn't help, can you please describe in more detail how did you...

Thanks. But can you describe what is required? I personally don't use SysOperation, RunBase is just simpler, but I can build a generator if someone writes what is required. For...

Thanks. What tool do you refer to? The main idea that these tools should not auto-generate any texts, all values should be taken from the user dialog, so if you...

Ok, I got it. But just label file and language is not enough. **Ax Label Creator**, for example, has 12 fields to create a label(I have not used it personally)...

Thanks for the answer. Any plans to put this into the potential improvements log? I really like your program, however, this behaviour(for showing empty folders with no option to exclude...

Installation was fixed to support new .37 VM for VS2022. That is the only automatically option now. for all other options you need to compile the project locally

Simple grammar for test case: SalesTotals salesTotalsVar; SalesTable salesTable; SalesLine salesLineVar; TaxAmountCur salesAmt; Tax tax; salesTable = SalesTable::find("SO00094903"); salesLineVar = SalesLine::find(salesTable.SalesId); salesTotals = SalesTotals::construct(salesTable, SalesUpdate::All); tax = Tax::construct(NoYes::No); salesAmt...

Probably somewhere, the system keeps the old path. Can you try just manually copy these files to AddinExtensions inside VS2022 folder?

Wow, thanks a lot. One big issue, can you implement a Preview button(like in RunBaseBuilder)? The idea is that a developer should view what will be created without creating objects....

It will not be misleading. Check for example DataContractBuilder, it creates 3 classes and a developer can validate the code visually before creating classes and fix any generated parameters if...