Benedikt Radtke

Results 92 comments of Benedikt Radtke

We have taken tui's sample code (with the crossterm backend) and put it into a for loop: ```rust fn update_frame(&mut self) -> io::Result { self.terminal.draw(|f| { let size = f.size();...

Is there any CI/CD infrastructure in place that we can convince to build and push? Are the owners of this project willing to solely take care of the administrative tasks...

Yeah, the worst thing you can expect from developers is to agree on something :) After a bit of reading and playing around, I noticed two problems: - moloch-viewer does...

>Do you already run moloch? If not I would suggest you start there. Yeah, we are giving trainees access to systems whose traffic is gathered, and they sometimes need to...

>I don't understand the question. Sorry for the long delay @awick. If I understand the documentation correctly, upgradenoprompt applies all pending migrations to the database if and only if the...

>Please note that this would probably only work with JavaScript-based language servers (so that they can run in browser). For Python, that would be, for example. Wouldn't anything that...

I assure you, cargo *does* find the linker. I just built an unrelated project with `cargo rustc -- -Z print-link-args`, this is the output: ``` [...] Compiling sniff_machinery v0.1.0 (file:///C:/Users/Benni/repositories/sniff_machinery)...

`xargo build --target x86_64_windows_kernel -v` yields this output: ``` + "rustc" "--print" "sysroot" + "rustc" "--print" "target-list" + RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=/noimplib -C link-arg=/ENTRY:DriverEntry --sysroot C:\\Users\\Benni\\.xargo" + "cargo" "build" "--target" "x86_64_windows_kernel" "-v"...

are the problems on the right border caused by non-monospaced fonts?

I have raised an upstream issue for that, since the only discussion on the topic I could find was >5 years old.