Benedikt Radtke

Results 92 comments of Benedikt Radtke

depending on a local, purged clone of also works like a charm, we just wanted to let you know

Is there anything we can do as a workaround to make mypy pass?

```bat @echo off rem This file is UTF-8 encoded, so we need to update the current code page while executing it for /f "tokens=2 delims=:." %%a in ('"%SystemRoot%\System32\"') do (...

I would have done this myself, but unfortunately for some obscure reason libpnet is generating the packets' code with ugly macro magic on every build, which breaks IDEs and forbids...

Thanks for the link to the paper, it was a very interesting read! After having read into the topic, are you sure a separate DSL would have been better? The...

Is there anything blocking this from being merged? Are there any workarounds to fix the behaviour for strings we can employ with the current release?

Did you manage to find out?

Hmmm do we need something that `CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat` does not provide?

I'd use: same day: XX:XX, ranging from 00:00 to 24:00 without AM and PM same week: day of week[comma] XX:XX, ranging from 00:00 to 24:00 without AM and PM other...