There's quite a bit of info in a benchmark's output. Do you absolutely need to be able to assert on iteration time and mean time _inside_ the test case? If...
`gettid` errors are likely #154 As for not finding your headers, try setting CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH to the root of your libelfin's include dir, it sounds like you installed it to a...
I get these errors on `CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)`
I can't but I'm sure it would work; Cent8 has a much more modern toolchain. From my understanding, CentOS is more common in enterprise than consumer/regular user land, so it's...
If you have a different string you'd like pulled into the USER_AGENT just let me know.
Wow, I see there are multiple pulls open for this (#7, #8, #9, #10).
@timotree, @akasto, @yearski, @adrian-soto Have any of you forked this project and published it as an alternative? It uses the UNLICENSE so there shouldn't be any problem putting out a...