Travis Cardwell
Travis Cardwell
I am working on documentation and am adding a section on security. The way that this issue is resolved will have a big impact on that documentation. I think that...
Thank you very much, @utdemir, for the explanation! The term *reproducibility* does indeed have various interpretations. The one that I had in mind when I wrote the above is the...
I just pushed a commit to my [`upgrade`][] branch that implements the tag syntax that you suggested above. [`upgrade`]: For example, the following command builds image `utdemir/ghc-musl:ghc9.2.2-alpine3.15-20220416`. ``` $ earthly...
By defining the `DATE` argument at the top level, the `base-system` layer is forced to update whenever that value changes. The cache is therefore only used for a maximum of...
By the way, I am fine with setting the default `ALPINE_VERSION` to `3.15` if you prefer it.
No problem, mate! Have a great holiday! I started logging available upgrades to packages in our Alpine 3.15 images from the 18th. There are none so far. I will continue...
I logged available upgrades from April 16 until July 31, using Alpine 3.15 and GHC 9.2.2 throughout. Of the 107 days logged, 14 of them had upgrades. Here is a...
> Multiple `SAVE IMAGE` instructions might work, but it'd be wasteful if it does a bunch of works other than tagging. This works, but there is one strange artifact. Here...
I realized that there is another issue with this multi-tagging. If we want to provide images for a given version for GHC using multiple versions of Alpine, then building an...
> Conditional tagging of multiple images is not supported. If you have any ideas about how this issue could be resolved, please let me know. I will remove the GHC-only...