Edward Adam Davis
Edward Adam Davis
RR=im(:,:,1);GG=im(:,:,2);BB=im(:,:,3); index_im = 1+floor(RR(:)/8)+32_floor(GG(:)/8)+32_32*floor(BB(:)/8); can you explain the index_im, or can you use chinese ,,,thanks
Thanks for your working. Sorry to bother you. I just want to test one image pairs of KITTI 2015 with your pre-trained model. ````python submission.py --datapath /media/jennifer/Papers/1_StereoData/KITTI2015_data_scene_flow/testing/ --loadmodel pretrained_model_KITTI2015.tar```` While...
When I fine tuning the network with my dataset, The logs are as follows. I think the model is not convergent. The disparity computed by the fine-tuned model is a...
Dear sir, sorry to bother you. I have meet an error when I fine-tune your code with my dataset. The error is: F0427 17:12:09.233387 607 layer.hpp:404] Check failed: MaxBottomBlobs() >=...
Dear Lin, have you got the error when test.py The test commmad is: **python test.py -data data/test -pspath prediction** The results are: File "test.py", line 67, in Predict() File "test.py",...
Congratulate for your wonderful work. I have a question. Can we train or test this code on windows with CPU? Thanks.