[Solving the structured control flow problem once and for all]( is a good article for anyone wanting to solve this issue
Would this be a good way of representing it? Given this C code: ``` union Data { int i; float f; char str[20]; }; ``` Generate this Go code: ```...
I wouldn't merge it just yet. I wanted to make sure the header looked good before I wrote an adapter. I had a few questions: - what to do about...
@dennwc sorry I haven’t been working on this. I have been busy with uni. I’m not sure when I’ll have time again to work on the commit. It is just...
@Zyko0 I've actually really wanted to port glfw to pure go. The main issue is that it would require porting the windowing apis for windows and linux. There are many...
I believe the same technique used for macOS in purego should work for Linux. Especially now that we are using the normal Cgo calling function `runtime.cgocall` instead of `runtime.libcCall` which...
I skimmed through the discussion you posted but didn't read why we can't have a fixed path. Isn't it at `usr/lib/` or just do `` and just have the dynamic...
> Oh I see. So we will assume the existence of (g)libc in the user's environment, right? Well it depends on if is __truly__ unable to be found by...
I'd think that doing it for SyscallN would be easy but I'm not sure we'd need to do NewCallback which is a lot of extra code
As long as we keep Linux limited to just SyscallN it won’t be. That’s pretty easy to emulate in C