TotallyGamerJet This explains how to build glfw as a dylib which can then by dynamically linked to using dlopen and dlsym.
In my Ebitengine branch [glfw-purego]( I Dlopen glfw as a Dylib. It is fully functional. I am trying to figure out the best way to distribute the dylib. When you...
Also when you did the dll you wrote a ten.go to get the dll. I used the script linked above to compile the dylib. Should I write a generator in...
According to [This post]( ~~Apple will reject apps that don’t wrap .dylib in a .framework? Can we find an official source to validate this?~~ Edit: [Apple Docs](
Even with the parts that are the same that would be a lot to code especially since there are quite a few Objective-C classes that would all have to be...
Another problem with porting glfw right now is that there are quite a few objective c functions that return structs which SyscallN does not support. I was planning on writing...
The 1.16 [Release Notes]( state that that is the last version to support 10.12.
I was actually just testing this. I got a similar error but at a different location in `nuklear.h`. ``` nuklear_context.c: parsing failed: .../Nuklear/src/nuklear.h:207:1: front-end: undefined: size_t .../Nuklear/src/nuklear.h:208:1: front-end: undefined: size_t...
Oh correction.` nuklear.h` does in fact include `stdlib.h` which include `stddef.h`
static variables should be able to be implemented with closures. For example: `int fun() { static int count = 0; count++; return count; }` can be implemented as: ``` var...