Liangkai Liu
Liangkai Liu
> not sure if this is the same issue but looks similiar to this issue : - [](url) This issue is different with the issue. We cannot find the definition...
> Any updates @Torreskai0722? Thanks for the reply. The issue is not resolved. The dongle id is 64fb2e43102e56d5.
> It likely means you have some old files laying around from a previous driver install on your host. What does running the following show on your host: > >...
The former issue disappear but another issue comes out. When the comma 3 device is powered, there are strange sounds like marble hitting. I have attached a video for it....
> I would email support for that issue. Any update on that?
My issue is resolved after I uninstall and reinstall numba: ``` pip uninstall numba pip install numba ``` Besides, I also installed [spconv]( which causes another cuda runtime error: ```...