Richard Harrah
Richard Harrah
We're working on improving the RPG elements of the plugin. Trust us, there's going to be many, many, many new and better working features in 3.0. I think that at...
It does get called before the chest is generated.
I suggest that you run a task after catching the generation that will then mess with the contents of the chest, using BukkitScheduler.
Yeah, it is weird.
There's no way for us to prevent players from getting hurt or affected in protection regions without hooking those plugins. We don't want to do that as it would add...
Your first 1. is already in here, I believe. I don't have any problems with others sending pull requests or making addons. Neither deathmarine nor I have much time to...
It's a known issue, but we're not entirely sure what causes it.
We don't have any code inside the plugin to enable constant effects. The intention is to make it so that effects are given when attacking or being attacked.
It is not possible at the moment.
I think we can call this done?