Ken Kahn
Ken Kahn
Tried Italian and Persian
Since it walks children it might be too deep a structure. E.g. Possible solution is to make walk_children asynchrounous (using setTimeout)
Probably just put some invisible div at the bottom.
Drop is ignored if dropped number was picked up from where the drop is -- e.g. the numbers were close to start with. E.g. result of using wand.
Better to use classList -
How much of a problem is it that any widget can find its top-level container and then inspect its JSON? Should get_json be restricted somehow to drag and save?
Nests are processed first but might they have contents that cause them to be processed later? E.g. a box with sensors or birds to what should be earlier widgets. recommends two tools
Only opacity is working. Maybe need a color chooser. Make sure elements.html is up-to-date in this regard