Tony Giorgio

Results 14 comments of Tony Giorgio

There's one log that recently started showing up that has me interested in why, maybe this has something to do with it? ``` Db(Query("error returned from database: no such table:...

Okay turns out I was pulling in the migrations manually and that's one of the things I needed to do with the new ones: I think I'll try to...

Is this just to minimize the data being passed around? If there's routing hints necessary to make the payment (if the end destination is private and/or using an LSP like...

Good idea, though the gateway might not be able to verify the signature of the complete invoice if that's part of it? Maybe that's fine, since the gateway trusts that...

Yeah I'm down for tackling it, I was going to end up doing something similar for pLN as well. > Can just use the instance_name in place of the node_id...

For some reason I don't really see much in terms of logs in the way I'm running things (using sensei as a library which is using ldk). Here's when it...

> Hmm, all of those are gossip-based messages, you should have something with the OpenChannel/AcceptChannel a ways after that, maybe grep for it? I typically remember there being lots of...

> just a question. Can we make this generic for any outside application can use? NIP-89 is Nostr specific Apps and NIP-87 is rest of the world? Can potentially used...

I think there needs to be a way to remove recommendations as well as remove listing a mint in general. Does this NIP support that? edit: nevermind, looks like it's...

It took me 5 minutes to fork and publish it myself, I have it here: However, I would express caution using this unmaintained library in general.