Tonio Liebrand
Tonio Liebrand
I am running the unsupervised learning algorithm on - 350k Mails and 55 Categories ``` execute( commands = c("supervised", "-input", train_tmp_file_txt, "-output", tmp_file_model, "-dim", 100, "-lr", 1, "-epoch", 20, "-wordNgrams",...
**My plumber file:** ``` # plumber.R #* Echo back the input #* @param msg The message to echo #* @get /echo function(msg=""){ list(msg = paste0("The message is: '", msg, "'"))...
First of all congratulations on a great project! I am mostly working with R and the R community would also be interested in this project, i think. "We" also work...
Thanks for the great package! Consider the following code. It has three elements. But if you uncomment `jqui_resizable(leafletOutput('myMap')),` the two dygraphs are not resizable any more. However, if i do...
First of all, thanks a lot for sharing the data! Might i ask if it is planned to share the code of your paper ( as well?
Using devtools::install_github("shinyMCE", "mul118") fails.