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CMake Error at python/CMakeLists.txt:190 (configure_file): Invalid argument
Hi all I had this error when cmake ./thirdparty/gtsam -DGTSAM_BUILD_PYTHON=1 -B build_gtsam
But I got this error: CMake Error at python/CMakeLists.txt:190 (configure_file): Invalid argument for three times, I am running a few minutes late; my previous meeting is running over.
I fixed this in NeRF-SLAM\thirdparty\gtsam\python\CMakeList.txt line190: get_filename_component(test_filename ${test_file} NAME) configure_file(${test_file} "${GTSAM_UNSTABLE_MODULE_PATH}/tests/${test_filename}" COPYONLY) endforeach()
This bug was successfully fixed.
However when I run cmake --build build_gtsam --config RelWithDebInfo -j It took stop at this line and never moved forward. Anyone have the same problem before?