Thanks, this sounds really promising :) I've been struggling with the poor range, and haven't really had an idea why it was so poor. Seems like integrating with IRremoteESP8266 would...
I think the accuracy was poor only on ESP8266. On Arduino you are much closer to the 'bare metal'
I merged in the IRRemoteESP8266 change from the 'dev' branch, let me know if it works better.
Today I took the latest ESPEasy from the 'mega' branch, added src/_P115_HeatpumpIR.ino from the ESPEasy playground, added the latest HeatpumpIR into lib/HeatpumpIR and tried to compile (it didn't). The version...
Latest ESPEasy Mega also works with latest IRremoteESP8266 + P115 if you delete plugin files _P015_IR.ino and _P035_IRTX.ino. So this way you can use the latest IRremoteESP8266 'as is'.
This is an example of a simple web gui for Panasonic heatpumps. This doesn't have the HeatpumpIR integrated, as this was actually the grandfather of the current HeatpumpIR library. But...
All AC units I've seen have had one-way infrared communication. The only ways to get feedback is to either listen for the 'beep' the give on receive, or hook a...
You may also want to take a look at this: -> It's not a GUI for the heatpump, but rather a sensor for a home automation system like...
Mitsubishi Heavy code was entirely contributed by Unfortunately I can't help much, as I don't have access to any Mitsu Heavy machines (I don't know anybody who would have...
OK, I see... Once you have working software, could you make a pull request out of this?