
Results 16 comments of Tommi1198

Dear @jjonkman, I have no idea how to open the .bts file to change the domain of the TurbSim input file...I tried to open it with a program found on...

Dear @jjonkman, the following error continued to show: Farm_Initialize:InflowWind_CalcOutput:CalcOutput:IfW_FFWind_CalcOutput [position=(4975, 9950, 340) in wind-file coordinates]: FF wind array boundaries violated: Grid too small in Y direction. Y=9950; Y boundaries =...

Dear @jjonkman, I mean that, when I had the first error, I read on the guide that the problem was regarding the low-resolution domain, so I enlarged it; then, the...

[Input]( Dear @jjonkman, here what you asked for, thanks a lot!

Dear @jjonkman, I changed _NWaveElev_, _WaveElevxi_, _WaveElevyi_ in the _HydroDyn_ input file: from 3 NWaveElev - Number of points where the incident wave elevations can be computed (-) 0 -200...

I share also the FAST.Farm input file and the _.inp_ file used to generate the wind file with TurbSim [TripleSpar_10MW_Farm.txt]( [GoF_NWP_5400s_8mps.txt](