I tried to run my _.inp_ file, but the following error occured: C:\Users\167544>turbsim64 C:\Users\167544\Desktop\FAST30\WindFiles\GoF_NWP_5400s_8mps.inp C:\Users\167544>C:\TurbSim\TurbSim64.exe C:\Users\167544\Desktop\FAST30\WindFiles\GoF_NWP_5400s_8mps.inp Running TurbSim (v1.50, 25-Sep-2009). Linked with the NWTC Subroutine Library (v1.01.09, 18-Jan-2008). Reading the...
Dear @jjonkman, I put it in quotes but nothing changed, even using or not the edition number...what can I do? Thank you I attached the last version of the _.inp_...
Dear @jjonkman, now TurbSim is running, but the _.bts_ file is only is that possible?
Dear @jjonkman, TurbSim has finished to run and the .bts file is only 1kb…moreover, I had to use a very large UsableTime to prevent the exhaustion of the wind when...
Dear @jjonkman , this is my input file for the wind: ------- InflowWind INPUT FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 m/s turbulent winds on 31x31 FF grid and tower for FAST CertTests #18,...
Dear @jjonkman, I took this file from the library in GitHub; in addition, I donìt know how to open this file so that I can check if TurbSim input UsableTime...
Dear @jjonkman, I changed the wind file using _90m_08_mps.bts_ as bts file for TurbSim, but another error came out: Farm_Initialize:InflowWind_CalcOutput:CalcOutput:IfW_FFWind_CalcOutput [position=(4980, 4980, 345) in wind-file coordinates]: FF wind array boundaries...
Dear @andrew-platt, my turbine is in this position: WT_X WT_Y WT_Z (m) (m) (m) 100.0 180.0 0.0
I don't really know...
Dear @jjonkman, how can I see if I have some points outside the TurbSim domain? Because I tried to extend the resolution of the turbine but nothing changed