@lavage @powermew Can you share your weight and model files?I also have sent a emial to the author yesterday, but he haven't replied yet. my email is [email protected]
Hi, I could tell you the account and password, but you have to make a promise that the model and code are meant only for research. You can use this...
No, The url is:, then you ckick the following red rectangular box to enter the account and password. | | 韩艳飞 | | [email protected] | 签名由网易邮箱大师定制 On 4/10/2019 18:42,bakaryfayad...
It's different. I don't have the model and weight for tensorflow implementation yet. Sorry to inform you that the author only sent me these. | | 韩艳飞 | | [email protected]...
Hi, I would be very happy if you could share your current progress about Vnect, We are currently in trouble reproducing the paper about LM algorrithm. | | 韩艳飞 |...