Hello I'm not using blinkpy but the original HTTP Rest from MattTW and I got the same problem. Everything was working since several month, but since 5 days it's not...
using apk man in the middle I just see that the pin verify is using: POST /api/v5/accounts/{AccountID}/users/{UserID}/clients/{{clientID}}/client_verification/pin/verify and not POST /api/v4/account/{AccountID}/client/{ClientID}/pin/verify Need to confirm if my token is still ok...
> Thanks @Tombost > > Need to update the API here with the new url and release an rc version to make sure it works. Looks like we're missing the...
I have the "same" problem, my token is not valid after 24h
@fronzbot it seems that the token expires after 24h. So we need to ask new token, but in my case the API ask me every time the SMS pin. (even...
> @fronzbot it seems that the token expires after 24h. So we need to ask new token, but in my case the API ask me every time the SMS pin....
This is what I have already done. Every time the blink app is open, the app do a login to the API. I do the same with my Node-RED application...
In my case I use same unique ID everytime and I have added trusted:true And now my system work fine since 8-9 days
The verification end point has changed, using apk man in the middle I just see that the pin verify is using: `POST /api/v5/accounts/{AccountID}/users/{UserID}/clients/{{clientID}}/client_verification/pin/verify` and not POST `/api/v4/account/{AccountID}/client/{ClientID}/pin/verify` You get the...
24h later unauthorized Access ... :(