Tomasz Rewak

Results 11 issues of Tomasz Rewak

Hey, The current implementation of the `style_data_conditional` property in the `DataTable` component is quite flexible and allows for creating rich visualization. Unfortunately it's also not very performant when the number...

Add en type-error-like labels to all elements that will include their names.

I need to add a delete keyword, so to enable users to get rid of objects storen on heap.

In the next iteration I will create a switch to enable user to change the syntax to that more C-like version.

It would affect only basic text elements. Proposed by @FNwsk on

When using a recursive fibonaci number calculation implementation to teach recursion, it might get a bit tricky to follow the execution in the program. It would be great, if there...

"The color contrast on the text in the memory section makes it unreadable and misleading." Proposed by @the_evergrowing_fool on reddit.

Enable users to input code in a more complex way, not only by using prefix notation.

Proposed by @WrongAndBeligerent on reddit.

C like pointer arithmetics. Consider if and how to implement this.