Hi, similarly thanks for the the cool package! I could successfully install it after installing in my linux ncbi-blast+ with `sudo apt install ncbi-blast+` which installed the 2.9.0 version. ```...
Thanks a lot!
I also have the same issue, I am trying to install the packages in different orders but with no actual rationale behind. It should be due to issues with dependencies:...
I solved it with the following: conda activate dvf pip3 uninstall keras pip3 uninstall tensorflow pip3 uninstall h5py pip3 install 'h5py==2.10.0' --force-reinstall pip3 install 'tensorflow==2.4.1' pip3 install 'keras==2.2.4' I do...
also following this
Following on this, I am trying to run kraken2 and braken on shotgun seq data, on merged reads, therefore the lengths of the merged fragments is variable. Might this cause...
Hello, not sure you still have this issue, I had this issue when i also conda installed kraken2 and braken in the same environment. For some reason braken also installs...
Hello, did you solve your issue? I am a beginner and trying to find the best solution to this issue myself, for now I find looping as a best solution...
hello I am having the same issue
Hi @estebangongora did you solve this? I am having a similar issue! I am trying to solve it ... if I won't be able, I will use MAGpurify!