
Results 4 issues of William

问题:可以自定义工具栏位置吗 可以上传多张图片吗 如何在dva项目中使用 我是个react新手,而且用dva搭项目,现在有点混乱,想问问大神

How to bind Image which i create in js like: var image = new window.Image() to my html view

Did you have plan to update to swift 3.0

I remove the 'else', and it work find. ![wechat_1466061895](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8348504/16108588/8365d784-33d6-11e6-8a97-39bf292939ac.jpeg) Another problem is that i want it work in the browser, so i use gulp and browserify, but there is a...