Tomas Engebretsen
Tomas Engebretsen
I think a modal would be the best solution here. We depend on the ID's just as much as the apps do. I don't think there is any good way...
As a start, I think it's best to just describe the error and let the user handle it manually. Since this error can only be caused by editing the files...
Det var akkurat noe slikt jeg tenkte på, @Annikenkbrathen - nå blir det tydelig for brukeren hva som må endres i koden. Jeg lurer bare litt på hva vi skal...
Ja, vi får kontroll på hva som skal valideres og teksten som skal vises. Vi bør nok også ha en lsite over filer med feil i, siden det kan være...
If this is on two different pages, it might work since they are two separate objects and we are currently not displaying them simultaneously. But that's just one particular case....
Okay, I didn't know that this was actually possible in Studio. But that sounds like a bug to me. It shouldn't be possible to make invalid apps in Studio. Ideally...
When it comes to copying a layout, I see that it becomes tricky, but what about automatically adding a suffix or something to the ID's? Just like Windows does when...