Thomas M. DuBuisson

Results 55 comments of Thomas M. DuBuisson

This is perhaps the most common Haskell gotcha I walk though with my new devs and people from afar (such as here I'm not sure what the options are...

I see, a false positive (a rather odd one too). I'm all in favor of the readability aspect of intermediate variables. Thanks for setting the record straight and for such...

Reopening in light of @dominikh point - it appears not to be a false positive after all.

I took this patch and made draft PR 555. Hopefully the maintainer will chime in with what form they'd find appealing. I'm sure the HackageHead module isn't it.

Counter point: The ULID monotonicity requirement is extremely useful to me for storing data such as logs. Making them non monotonic removes much of the value - it's then just...

Is there a base62 encoding you would propose? Base 32 of 128 bits results in 26 characters. Base 62 results in 22 characters so it doesn't save much and likely...

On this note - is there interest/will on your part Brendan in setting up a gogol github organization and having a few maintainers?

I'd really like to see this come to fruition. Is the behavior I propose something you'd accept in the library?

> Does a job need to be limited by a resource, or do you mean a job-type? Do you have some concrete use-case in mind? External API that is rate-limited,...

@saurabhnanda I'll need to give it proper thought but am a bit busy - will take some days to look into DynamicConcurrency.