Thomas M. DuBuisson

Results 64 comments of Thomas M. DuBuisson

And base 4.8 has been out for a while. 4.9 is probably near...

1. This repo is just a mirror of Hamburgs work which is homed at sourceforge. The main repository has seen updates as of a few hours ago (, though it...

On this topic, what properties hold for conjugate descent? I'm noticing the progression is actually ascending, not descending. This is for a parabolic function with a log barrier so I'm...

As a matter of update / hijacking of this issue. The above objective function, `obj2`, retains no information about the gradient past the asymptote. Changing the numerator of `1/0` to...

Saltstack is often paired with Jinja too. It seems we could add a flag `--jinja` that will allow relaxed syntax parsing, perhaps including a new AST element for conditional portions...

I do have a particular case in mind. For me specifically, I'm designing towards a managed postgresql where a component inserts values into table A (via one transaction) which triggers...

Yes, using a class for Notify could work well. It provides a way forward that doesn't break the other backends or restrain selda to the lowest common denominator backend. I'll...

Seeing as the discussion on Integer support, both here and in the issue tracker, was negative perhaps this should be closed?

The problem is wider than `--enable-profiling`, it includes any flag that impacts compilation. Any solution should consider solving this for all flags. One popular example is ghcide and company. They...