@petergu684 Thanks for your answer! I have set a boolean to control OpenStream() just run once and get the buffer every call, and it works! Although the result of the...
@EliasMosco Are you talking the `OpenStream()` ? I just used a boolean , in `HL2ResearchMode.h`, ``` c++ struct HL2ResearchMode : HL2ResearchModeT { ...... private: ... std::atomic_bool m_isDepthSensorStreamOpen = true; //...
> Hello @Tolerm, did you manage to get it to work after all? If so, do you happen to have a repository? I'm trying to achieve the same thing! Well,...
> @Tolerm Thanks a lot for your answer! Could you provide more details about how you computed the inrtrinsics of the PV camera? I first tried the **UndistortedProjectionTransform** [here](, but...