Todd Thomson
Todd Thomson
@ppetree Link fixed.
Once the page with the subpages is loaded, the subpages are inserted into the DOM as pages. Check your args to changePage(). Links to subpages definitely work, so you could...
@frankebersoll Please see issue #71. I use this feature to build TsProject. Essentially, it provides a namespace to allow for exported (public) classes. Classes outside this "package" are treated as...
@frankebersoll Additionally, by convention all classes that are not "exported" ( int the generated bundle source file ) are treated as internal by the minifier. The bundler uses the bundle...
@niemyjski No that is not the case. All private method and property names are shortened. The problem is that TypeScript does not have an internal modifier for classes. So the...
Reference to issue #66
@frankebersoll @niemyjski Let me know when you've got an understanding of how TsProject currently separates the public and internal API for a bundle. I'm pretty sure that TypeScript 1.8.9 (or...
@frankebersoll @niemyjski I am currently looking at using a comment transform directive to override when an identifier may be mangled. For example `/* @minify( "argument" ) */` . This way...
@frankebersoll @niemyjski Please let me know if you are still interested in this issue. I am going to be making changes to the "packaging" feature of TsProject over the next...
@niemyjski The minifier utilizes the Typescript AST and examines identifier flags for access modifier flags. This yields a bit better results then uglifyjs. However, for optimal minification there are conventions...