Tobias Liebl

Results 14 issues of Tobias Liebl

Hey, I'm using the button-prev, and button-next slots to add slide next, and slide previous buttons. I'm wondering if it is possible to adjust the amount of slides to slide,...

I have installed the template and all the required extensions. I use vscode, but I don't have any type hints in the template, by that I mean if I have...

When building my nuxt app I need to specify additional environment variables, which determine the manner in which the app is built, namely the custom variable 'IS_BUILD_AS_RENDERER'. When I didn't...

Hey there, Thanks for the amazing library! I'm wondering if it is possible to communicate with a job after it was created. In my specific example merely changing the data...

I created a project using 'ui-react'starter', using the code: ``` useEffect(() => { const setUnconnected = () => { setIsConnected(false) } const setConnected = () => { setIsConnected(true) } window.addEventListener('online',...

There was a small typo in (Btw: This is my first pull request :100: )

Using tailwind, there are a lot of mentions of different colors (i.e. bg-slate-900, bg-red-500 etc.). With 'slate' being the 'primary' color. Let's say my primary colors is a blue, how...

I'm trying to add vue-styleguidist to an existing project, which uses Vue 2, with nuxt and Typescript. I already looked through the existing examples, and tried to get it to...


Hello, I followed the steps in the docker setup ( exactly, but when I try to log-in, I get the error > "0|user.server | TypeError: Cannot read properties of null...

We have a custom environment variable flow, and we need to be able to pass in the required api tokens via a function call / as parameters. Is that possible?