
Results 6 issues of Titibo26

Hi there, I'm using esp-wroom32 and i just noticed that when we turn the power ON (from usb or from a battery) calibration coef are 2x higher than what they...

HI, I want to use a model ( [https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/omz_models_public_midasnet_midasnet.html](url) ) where shape should be : {1,3,384,384}. When i'm importing an image and using "CreateTensorFromImageFile", the shape is {1,384,384, 3}. I...

Hi there, I'm using esp-wroom32 and i just noticed that when we turn the power ON (from usb or from a battery) calibration coefs are 2x higher than what they...

HW compatibility

Hello, have you tested the position accuracy achevied ? Thanks !

Hi, Is it possible to get ONNX model ? Thanks

Hey, When i try to add both UIOpenTKControl or threading one into the designer of my C# apps, it gives me an error : "ArgumentNullException : Value can't be null....