Not a definitive fix but you can disable interaction from buff lists to prevent this issue from happening.
I don't understand the difference between assigning a hotkey in TPie or assigning a keybind to a hotbar and opening the ring through a macro. Please elaborate.
This is the first time a conflict like this occurs with another plugin so I'll have to think about it for a bit to see if there are some straightforward...
Doesn't matter if its a Dalamud window or another plugin's UI element. Both of those things can be reduced to ImGui windows which is the 2d engine used by Dalamud...
DelvUI is doing some hacky stuff to detect Mouse3 and Mouse4 clicks on elements that ImGui didn't support. It does it in a way where DelvUI completely intercepts the input...
> I'm fine with this. But might I suggest to use a DataShare object instead of IPC commands for performance reasons? > > E.g. Let DelvUI register a `Dictionary` as...
FYI @haroldiedema ``` // other plugins can add clip rects for DelvUI // rect start point = vector.X, vector.Y // rect end point = vector.Z, vector.W Plugin.PluginInterface.GetOrCreateData("DelvUI.ClipRects", () => new());...
I am releasing a very naïve attempt to fix these crashes in v2.1.2.0 Please let me know if it fixed the issue or not.
@ChaosInfinited are you still experiencing this issue?
I was never able to reproduce this issue so it's likely due to a combination of things that are not obvious.