Tirth Patel

Results 5 comments of Tirth Patel

I am also facing an issue with the conversion of the EfficientNet model. It gives an error: ``` tf executing eager_mode: True tf.keras model eager_mode: False --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most...

Hi @jhelsas, I have tried a slightly different approach to convert Keras model to Onnx. To give an overview, I have done transfer learning on the [Keras EfficientNet model](https://keras.io/api/applications/efficientnet/). First,...

Hey @tomasekisde, you would not be able to get the `npy` file as it is a [NumPy array of preprocessed data](https://github.com/gregwchase/eyenet/blob/1177eddfea761ddf7973fdcc6c46fdec9cc26f6e/src/image_to_array.py#L67) which you have to make by following preprocessing steps...

Setting proper timezone and timeZoneOffset i.e `const timeZone` and `const timeZoneOffset` works for me. Find your timezone here:- https://www.zeitverschiebung.net/en/

The plot_all_weights methods is also not working. it shows that the the conv2D does not contain weights ![screen shot 2018-08-28 at 8 44 08 pm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39476447/44732649-6276bb00-ab03-11e8-8c6b-5988b15ed46b.png) And in plot_weight the plotted...