
Results 22 comments of Tirlititi

Ow, incredible... Could it be those `SdSoundSystem_SoundCtrl_SetVolume` calls that crash the game? If I understand these 2 lines correctly, they are meant to gradually increase the volume of the sound...

I didn't see anything that would report a problem with flee in your logs. I think that you are only unlucky when trying to flee. The chances of fleeing depends...

The shaders used for field objects are mainly: - [PSX/FieldMapActor](https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/blob/main/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Shaders/PSX/FieldMapActor.txt) for the 3D models of the characters, - [PSX/FieldMap_Abr_None](https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/blob/main/Memoria.Patcher/StreamingAssets/Shaders/PSX/FieldMap_Abr_None.txt) for the backgrounds (there are also other ``Abr`` shaders used, in...

I think that DV answered you already? In any case, I added [a section in the wiki](https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/wiki/Supporting-ability-features#examples-of-global-balance-changes) to show how to do something like that. It's not in the ``.ini``...

It is not an isolated incident either. (1) Battle camera movements are a bit off, it concerns all the battles. It was widely noticed in Beatrix battles for instance. (2)...

Yes, there are still multiple bugs concerning battle cameras and the state of these bugs have not really changed since this ticked was opened. All these bugs, (1), (2), (3)...

For the record, this optimisation process that served the PSX version in order to keep the number of rendered objects relatively low at any time is coded in the field's...

The commit 54ca196 addresses the first request. The second one will be much more complicated to do (although still less complicated than increasing the limits of fighters of 4 party...

Having more than 4 party members in battles is much more complicated. Having a swap feature is not simple either.

No no, as you said, the limitation can still be worked further on. I think I'll get back to it eventually (and maybe the "change out option").