Benjamin Zaslavsky
Benjamin Zaslavsky
Hey there! As I'm picking up steam on things I missed lately, could someone please tell me if there has been some discussions on the topic in Vancouver, and if...
Hey everyone! Glad to have been able to finally talk about this yesterday. As said during the CommComm meeting, I'll post a doodle to find a suitable time next week...
@amiller-gh Thanks, sorry for the lagg! @all here's the doodle, don't hesitate to propose new times and dates here if nothing matches your schedule, I'll try to do what I...
Hey everyone! Following doodle, first meeting will be tomorrow, April 2 at 16:00 UTC: @amiller-gh Do you think it will be possible to host it via the Node.js Zoom...
Hey! No idea yet. If we can, it will indeed be hosted via the same account, otherwise I'll try to set up something, but it won't be broadcasted on youtube...
Awesome! Thanks @amiller-gh !
Quick update, I'm terribly sorry everyone, I got some awfully urgent problem to fix and can't attend my own meeting and I feel terrible. if you want to reschedule, don't...