Benjamin Zaslavsky
Benjamin Zaslavsky
Hi there, if I may make a suggestion: as the label is updated, the eventual links in READMEs need to be updated too, they now point toward non-existing label.
Just an open question: is it really relevant to do this now while we are thinking about restructuring the CommComm efforts and maybe changing the pathway to become a member?...
This is great work! Just quick comment, this is somewhat broken on Firefox, the handles column is merged with the last meeting column. To answer my own question, seeing the...
That sounds a great idea to me!
If I may give my opinion on this... I have to admit, while I love the idea of Condorcet voting (I actually wish it was used in more political elections),...
I'm going to up this a bit. I'll try working on some things ASAP, but lots to be done :sweat_smile:
+1, could be implemented by checking the right label (again). This makes me think, we're having more and more rules to be implemented if specific labels are present in the...
Sorry guys, noob question here, but I was not at the conf so I didn't get the rationale. Il love the syntax, but I fail to see the point of...
First, thanks for your time! > That's a fair question. In practice, in a rich DTO system, when I have objects with relationships, things often get more complex than one...
Not sure about the xml conf, advices welcome!