Run trainning shell to train our own dataset: ./experiments/scripts/train_faster_rcnn.sh 0 pascal_voc vgg16 or ./experiments/scripts/train_faster_rcnn.sh 0 pascal_voc res101 Error log: File "/path/to/tf-faster-rcnn-master/tools/../lib/datasets/pascal_voc.py", line 105, in gt_roidb roidb = pickle.load(fid, encoding='bytes') TypeError:...
## OS Mac ## VERSION v1.5.1, with Redis v6.2.4 ## ISSUE DESCRIPTION 已升级v1.5.1,redis CLI新增的Json key可显示,但新增key功能似乎对ReJson还不支持。目前只有:String/Hash/List/Set/Zset/Stream。可以考虑增加JSON更友好的支持。
Sys: libraries_v140_x64_py35_1.1.0.tar.bz2 Executing caffe\scripts\build_win.cmd to build the caffe, fatal: D:\code\machineLearning\caffe\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj”(默认目标) (1) -> “D:\code\machineLearning\caffe\build\tools\caffe.bin.vcxproj”(默认目标) (5) -> (Link 目标) -> LINK : fatal error LNK1181: 无法打开输入文件“gflags_shared.lib” [D:\code\machineLearning\caffe\build\tools\caffe.bin.vcxproj] “D:\code\machineLearning\caffe\build\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj”(默认目标) (1) -> “D:\code\machineLearning\caffe\build\examples\classification.vcxproj”(默认目标) (7)...
install.packages("xgboost") Result in GraalVM: ``` $ ./R --R.PrintErrorStacktracesToFile=true R version 3.6.1 (FastR) Copyright (c) 2013-19, Oracle and/or its affiliates Copyright (c) 1995-2018, The R Core Team Copyright (c) 2018 The...
**ERROR: Unable to automatically install 'kaleido' from 'Artifacts.toml'** Hi, I having difficulties in updating packages to add "PlotlyJS" when 'Downloading artifact: kaleido': ``` julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("PlotlyJS") Updating registry at...
Julia 1.4.2 + GR 0.50.1 + MacOS 10.12.6 The full error message is below: julia> import Pkg julia> Pkg.add("GR") julia> using GR julia> histogram(randn(10000)) **ERROR: could not load library "libGR.so"**...
**Describe the bug** javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException: org.newsclub.net.unix.AFUNIXSocketException: Cannot find method "setCreated" in java.net.Socket. Unsupported JVM? **To reproduce** $ sbt sbt:RedisClient> update sbt:RedisClient> test **Unexpected behavior** logs: ```shell [info] PoolSpec: [info] com.redis.PoolSpec ***...