This change would be nice, and it'd improve the flow of treating someone.
The specific application is when working in model space and rotation not just in the Z axis, but the X and Y axis as well.
I was thinking someone must've done this before, but I couldn't find the right place to ask. As for bank/rotY, as stated my implementation is consistent with the rotation attribute....
The question of the bank is explained by this page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions#Relationships_among_the_inverse_trigonometric_functions You will see that your function uses asin, but as an encoding by atan2.
As a note on a complement function, there is information here about constructing a rotation matrix from Tait-Bryan angles, which should correspond to the system that 3den uses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#General_rotations
You can plot them into wolfram alpha as an equation and see that they're (nearly) equivalent. https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=arcsin+x+%3D+arctan+%5B%28-x%29+%2F+sqrt+%281+-+x%C2%B2%29%5D If you look at the graph, they have different polarities, but otherwise, they...
Here's the proof of concept for a complementary function from 3DEN rotation angles to vector dir and up. ```sqf fnc_convert3DENRotationToVectorDirAndUp = { params["_rotation"]; _rotation params ["_rotX", "_rotY", "_rotZ"]; _vectorDirAndUp =...
Which do you mean? The first function was vectorDirAndUp -> 3DEN rotation and the one I posted just now is 3DEN rotation -> vectorDirAndUp. So the answer is yes unless...
I'm sad it's been 6 years and no fix has been found. I just ran into this issue myself today, journald does not handle devices without an RTC gracefully. The...
I've been looking into this more and I might've spoken too quickly with regards to whether or not I understand the issue, but it is clear that this has a...