Konstantinos Nitsopoulos
Konstantinos Nitsopoulos
I keep getting the following error from my gRPC server: >2022/07/10 16:42:10 http: TLS handshake error from tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake Any chance...
Please update the [package.json](https://github.com/simpleledger/SLPDB/blob/master/package.json)! After a lot of trial & error I've deduced a package.json ([package.json](https://github.com/simpleledger/SLPDB/files/9332018/package.json.txt) - improved version below) which successfully updates many dependencies (as many as possible, as...
Line 37 of [config.ts](https://github.com/simpleledger/SLPDB/blob/master/config.ts) can be set to ` url: process.env.db_url ? process.env.db_url : 'mongodb://',` Update: now (passed block# 727k) I'm trying equivalent of: ` url: process.env.db_url ? process.env.db_url :...
Line 30 of [package.json](https://github.com/simpleledger/SLPDB/blob/master/package.json) can be set to: ` "@types/node": "16.11.7",` This line assumes we all update to nodejs v16. I've verified it works with `16.16.0`, not just `16.11.7`. Why...
I set line 50 of [package.json](https://github.com/simpleledger/SLPDB/blob/master/package.json) to: ` "mongodb": "^3.7.3",` But **also** line 29 to: ` "@types/mongodb": "^3.6.20",` From the package [site](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mongodb/v/3.7.3), it's the only current v3 tag for mongodb....
Could you please add my 3 user scripts? - Audio: aspeed.lua - Video: autocrop.lua autocomplex.lua automask.lua - Other: main.lua Maybe shorter descriptions are needed, & maybe they're in the wrong...