Tim van der Lippe

Results 59 issues of Tim van der Lippe

All right, we have been talking about this for a while so let's consolidate discussions. TLDR: more and more use cases are broken (by default) with Mockito and JDK 17....

With the MockitoExtension in development for JUnit 5 (#1221), we can then switch over Mockito's internal test suite to JUnit5. We will need to figure out how this all works,...

on hold
please contribute

Internally at Google, we discovered a thread race on `setInvocationForPotentialStubbing`. A truncated stacktrace: ``` #0 org.mockito.internal.stubbing.InvocationContainerImpl.setInvocationForPotentialStubbing(Lorg/mockito/invocation/MatchableInvocation;)V InvocationContainerImpl.java:47 #1 org.mockito.internal.handler.MockHandlerImpl.handle(Lorg/mockito/invocation/Invocation;)Ljava/lang/Object; MockHandlerImpl.java:86 #2 org.mockito.internal.handler.NullResultGuardian.handle(Lorg/mockito/invocation/Invocation;)Ljava/lang/Object; NullResultGuardian.java:29 #3 org.mockito.internal.handler.InvocationNotifierHandler.handle(Lorg/mockito/invocation/Invocation;)Ljava/lang/Object; InvocationNotifierHandler.java:34 #4 org.mockito.internal.creation.bytebuddy.MockMethodInterceptor.doIntercept(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;[Ljava/lang/Object;Lorg/mockito/internal/invocation/RealMethod;Lorg/mockito/invocation/Location;)Ljava/lang/Object; MockMethodInterceptor.java:82 #5...

On a bunch of recent PRs, the following error is thrown in the GitHub actions: ``` Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "Test worker" ``` Examples: https://github.com/mockito/mockito/runs/4264231004?check_suite_focus=true and...

please contribute

**Bug report or Feature request?** Feature **Version (complete output of `terser -V` or specific git commit)** 5.10.0 **Complete CLI command or `minify()` options used** ```js { module: true, compress: {},...

### Prerequisites * [X] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following: * Reproduced the problem in Safe Mode: http://flight-manual.atom.io/hacking-atom/sections/debugging/#using-safe-mode *...

Just tossing around the thought for improvement next year: migrate the framework (and template alike) to Gradle. ### Why? Running `mvn site` on the template, the jacoco report does not...


https://travis-ci.org/mockito/mockito/jobs/542208671#L2027 ``` [performRelease] > Task :updateReleaseNotesOnGitHub FAILED [performRelease] Building new release notes based on /home/travis/build/mockito/mockito/doc/release-notes/official.md [performRelease] POST /repos/mockito/mockito/releases [performRelease] [performRelease] > Task :junit-jupiter:bintrayUpload [performRelease] Uploaded to 'https://api.bintray.com/content/mockito/maven/mockito-development/3.0.0/org/mockito/mockito-junit-jupiter/3.0.0/mockito-junit-jupiter-3.0.0.pom'. [performRelease] [performRelease] >...

When we develop a new API, we add `@since` to note in which version this is released. However, we do not know what specific version it will be, as Shipkit...

Rather than the current Bash scripts, we should use a CI solution like GitHub Actions to deploy. Example action: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/deploy-to-github-pages
