@bipuladh , @GowthamShanmugam Please review
@bipuladh , @SanjalKatiyar Please review
@bipuladh , @GowthamShanmugam , Please review
@bipuladh , @GowthamShanmugam , Please review
@bipuladh Please review
@bipuladh Please review For odf: https://github.com/red-hat-storage/odf-console/pull/252
The main intention of this package into TENDRL is to provide a sample documentation about how to use and the useful configurations. As of now we dont have any examples...
You can close this issue because its already addressed and reopen if you still find any.
(for ds) Its already available in rhel-7-server-rpms channel. The current available version is which will be installed while installing tendrl-api. ruby, ruby-libs, ruby-irb -> and i feel 2.4.2...
Sure, we can work on this issue for downsteam as well. We may need to verify and update each dependency gems of tendrl.