Timothée Jeannin
Timothée Jeannin
Since version 10.2.0, puppeteer uses Chrome version 93.0.4577.0 It would be nice to have new binaries for this version. I'm currently using the last binary based on Chrome version 92.X,...
Added the FlaskJobs project in the "Built with flask" section.
## Checklist * [x] I made something good today 💐. * [x] I put links in the correct format: ``[Tool](link) — description.`` * [x] My description starts with the lower-case...
One of my tests look like this: ``` python def test_get_network_info(self): with patch('subprocess.check_output', Mock(return_value=values)): ``` And gives the following error: ``` ====================================================================== ERROR: test_get_network_info (tests.test_tools.ToolsTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call...
Added a pdf files with eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
The **extract-loader** works great when I use [the single entry syntax](https://webpack.js.org/concepts/entry-points/#single-entry-shorthand-syntax) in my webpack configuration: ```javascript entry: [ './js/main.js', './scss/theme.scss' ] ``` But as soon as I change it to...
Hi, It's great that social auth is supported but it would be awesome if users could register with social auth too. I think most websites that support social auth also...
Maybe this is useful : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10551531/cannot-determine-whether-google-play-store-is-installed-or-not-on-android-device