
Results 5 issues of Stragy

It gives the error message: `Connection to daemon failed. Check your configuration and try again. Error message: Invalid HTTP request` when trying to start the program

1. Please check that no similar bug is already reported. Have a look on the list of open bugs at 2. Make sure you are running the latest version...


Im jailed and downloaded the app through AltStore. iOS Version 15.4.1 uYou+ version v17.20.3 I am using an iPhone 12

I set up RemotePlayDetached through steam launch options and when trying to launch a proton game it gives me the error fork/exec ./Dungeons.exe: exec format error

I tried installing Bakkesmod on Linux Manjaro but since the [Wiki]( article is outdated I tried the Windows 7 version of Bakkes. I used proton-ge-custom and `protontricks --gui`to install vcrun2017,...