
Results 4 issues of __defined

报错是这样的: ValueError: Unknown loss function:《lambda》 然后我改成这样 model = load_model(os.path.join(KERAS_MODEL_PATH, 'cnn.h5'), custom_objects={'ctc': lambda y_true, y_pred: y_pred}) 还是报错,求解。谢谢 如果我想把训练好的模型保存下来,并做成一个服务,你这个模型改怎么保存啊?

你好,kerlomz,我使用您的代码跑的时候,framework.py中的类GraphOCR中的 self.dense_decoded = tf.sparse.to_dense(self.decoded[0], default_value=-1, name="dense_decoded")这行代码报错,AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.sparse' has no attribute 'to_dense'。请问您确定在TF_GPU 1.10.0这个版本可以运行您的程序? 谢谢~

I found that there are no RNN-Transducer loss in the new version. I have to use third party pkg like [wrap-transducer](https://github.com/HawkAaron/warp-transducer/tree/master/tensorflow_binding) So, official support in both tf1.x and tf2 is...

help wanted
Feature Request

Do you have the plan to share the captcha preprocessing codes? I read your paper, very nice.