Tim Tiefenbach

Results 23 issues of Tim Tiefenbach

[This question on SO](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62520164/pickerinput-label-issue-when-inline-is-true/62565441?noredirect=1#comment110666274_62565441) shows that `pickerInput` can have display issues when `inline` is set `TRUE` and long label names are provided, since it attributes only length 2 `col-sm-2` to...

I was playing around with `data.frame`s with duplicate column names and stumbled upon this inconsistency with {dplyr}: ``` r library(dplyr) dat % poorman::select(a) #> a #> 1 1 dat %>%...

I tried using negative values in a billboarder::bauge in shiny and somehow it seems like negative values are not displayed - am I doing something wrong or is this a...

I was playing around with the `lmap_if` function and encountered an unexpected behaviour when a function is provided to `.else` while the function in `.f` is altering the structure of...

``` r library(loopurrr) #> Loading required package: purrr x [[2]] #> [1] 221 #> #> [[3]] #> [1] 331 # doesn't work pmap(a, sum) %>% as_loop() #> Error in !is_clipr:...


R's lazy evaluation can lead to different results when translating `map` function calls to `for` loops. Below is one example that Claus Wilke provided on Twitter. Lets think about, whether...

next major release

When `as_loop` is used on a non-working call it throws an error. This behavior makes it impossible to use it as debugging tool.

next major release

Find the reason why this is not working: ```r map(1:5, ~.x) %>% as_loop #> Error in expr[[i]] : object of type 'symbol' is not subsettable ```

next major release

It is possible that the function in `.f` uses the same variable as specified in `idx` which defaults to `i`. There should be a check in place, checking this ,...

safety check
next major release

```r map(1:4, function(x) { x }) %>% as_loop() #> Error: 'text' should either be length 1, or same length as 'ranges' ``` This error is probably raised in `insert_and_reformat_text`.

next major release