Timothé Larivière

Results 66 comments of Timothé Larivière

I found that if I invert the X axis of the normal, it works. ```glsl normal = vec3(-normal.x, normal.y, normal.z); ```

Thanks for the report. I'm suspecting it is linked to VS 16.8. I saw the same stack trace shared yesterday on the F# Slack channel.

I confirm that's an issue with VS 16.8. I tested with VS 16.7.3 (MSBuild, it compiled and debugged fine. I updated to VS 16.8.0 (MSBuild, it fails to...

A workaround seems to be to remove both `System` and `System.Numerics` from the References in the Android project.

@Dolfik1 Hmm strange. Fabulous use the exact same logic for all the platforms, so `UpdateIncremental` shouldn't behave differently between Android and iOS. Moreover the code that updates `gesturesRecognizers` is the...

@programmation Thanks for your report. Would you happen to have a reproduction that you can share? Regarding XF 5.0, it's not currently possible to use it as there are a...

Hi @TitusLabienus. Thanks for your interest in Fabulous! I'm no expert on the licensing subject but the way I understand it, Apache 2.0 only requires you to mention the copyright/license...

Hi Ben, Fabulous works on top of Xamarin.Forms, so it could theoretically run anywhere XF is supported. After looking at the [documentation for XF/Share extensions](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/platform/extensions-with-xamarinforms), it seems to use the...

>I suggest having some documentation for running any XF component as a Fabulous program. Seems like a very useful thing to know. It's not an official feature yet. Only something...