
Results 3 issues of Timmy

# 尽量每个 issue 只提一个 bug 或新功能 ### 提新 issue 前请确认 👉 - 没人提过这个 issue([这里看所有 issue](https://github.com/qier222/YesPlayMusic/issues)) - 项目的 Todo 里没有与你 issue 相关的内容([这里看 Todo](https://github.com/qier222/YesPlayMusic/projects/1)) ### 反馈 bug 需要的信息 - 客户端 - Windows...

Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes - VS Code Version: 1.70.0 - OS Version: Windows 10 Steps to Reproduce: 1. open a css file ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60050973/183227251-2587faf0-541f-4988-ba33-b0ea6f805fe3.png) 2....


I really need this function.