Tim Hoare
Tim Hoare
There is some info on using StatsBombR [here](https://github.com/statsbomb/StatsBombR/blob/master/README.md). If you are a paying customer you should be able to get the events via the `get.events` function with the id for...
Statsbomb have put out some material on using the data in R [here](https://statsbomb.com/2019/07/messi-data-release-part-1-working-with-statsbomb-data-in-r/). Also I would recommend [FC RStats](http://www.fcrstats.com/) who has some good stuff [here](https://github.com/FCrSTATS/StatsBomb_WomensData/blob/master/1.GettingStartedWithStatsBombData.md) to get you started