Till - gotoHuman.com
Till - gotoHuman.com
bb_showShadow to "false" does the trick. If you still want the shadow, simply put a `View` above it with `android:background="@drawable/bb_bottom_bar_top_shadow"`
Thanks for the feedback. I would prefer to keep framework-classes completely out of actions/reducers/state, that's why I thought of middleware, where I often have to use framework classes anyhow. But...
Great hints, thanks. One thing I was wondering is: The application process might be killed, but lateron recreated with the old task stack, i.e. an activity down the tree being...
Interesting idea to even reflect the task stack in the state tree. Haven't fully wrapped my head around this, whether there can actually be a really robust implementation of this....
@vaughandroid ah you're right. I got half of it, but forgot that specific actions would trigger that state change. I agree that it'd be nice to strictly stick to the...
Seeing the same behavior :/
If anyone else stumbles across this. If I see correctly, it's because of [this](https://github.com/google/flexbox-layout/blob/main/flexbox/src/main/java/com/google/android/flexbox/FlexboxHelper.java#L373) > the amount of pixels where flex line calculation should be stopped this is needed to...
Thanks @DanielRosenwasser @steveluc for your in-depth explanation!