Hi, same trouble. Tested on a clean installation of Azerothcore Gdb file in attach [gdb.txt](https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/files/14351715/gdb.txt) Or gist : https://gist.github.com/Tilenozz/63b7cb248979a5ac4c93dfd56387e13e @heyitsbench
Both of this solution work , but open always the last record and not the one user select. Can u help on this ? @denis-shvets @jshanson7
> Using @reftp740 example, I got it working with this: > > ``` > onPress={() => { > let pan = this.swipeable.state.pan; > pan.flattenOffset(); > Animated.timing(pan, { > toValue: {...
Tried this : The Flatlist is composed by 2 element. { this.swipeable = ref; this.swipeable_arr.push(ref) }} > this.openSlider(this.swipeable)} >Click openSlider = (item) => { for (let i = 0; i...