Results 14 comments of TikiTDO

There appears to be an issue with the version of bundler that travis-ci uses, which I reported [here](https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/5831). The actual code should pass all tests when these issues are sorted...

That's pretty similar to the snippet I had above, but my main worry with such an approach is that it depends on internal APIs that may end up changing at...

I was seeing this fairly consistently on 1.16.0, and was finally able to track this down. Our setup is as follows: 1. A `/package.json` which defines a bunch of workspaces...

@arcanis You mentioned in #6312 that it was closed because there was no further details. I believe my post above this one may explain what's happening here. It look like...

@esutton Check my first comment in this thread [here](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/7212#issuecomment-493720324). You can probably get away without having to use the `network-concurrency` key if you find the offending lib.

The `--ignore-scripts` suggestion may be relevant to the issue at hand, though it honestly looks like that issue is really a few problems rolled into one discussion

@arthurbergmz Is there any chance to merge this PR? If you're not comfortable pulling an alpha version of `html-webpack-plugin` and if @strootje is no longer available I'd be happy to...

The issue with `replaceString` implementation is that it will have to go through the entire string once for every potential replacement token/case combination. With the addition of the underline case...

For more concrete numbers, I did a test with three approaches. The simple `|` approach up above, a `regex-trie` implementation (with the downside of extra deps), and the original one...

No rush. The other two PRs were the really important ones. This one is just a performance optimization for super extreme edge cases. Really just idle work while I was...